Monday, March 14, 2022

I ALSO Challenge Vladimir Putin to Single Combat

 Only hours after billionaire Elon Musk challenged Russian President Vladimir Putin to single combat, I issue a similar challenge. But rather than Ukraine as the prize, (since I'm not authorized to give countries away) I ask you, Vladimir Putin: Do you have the stones to go one-on-one for a LARGE Cookie Dough Blizzard from Dairy Queen? 

Вы согласны на этот бой?

 - derifter

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Michelle, Definitely His Belle.

 Michelle Obama, the wife of former president Barack Obama, dismisses MLK's view of human beings by seeming to see only the color of people's skin. I wonder if she could say that while her husband drinks a glass of water.

Michelle, when Barack packs up his hate and racism and goes away, won't you please go with him?



George Floyd Trial

 Although George Floyd's death was likely the result of a fentanyl overdose, the media has already convicted the police in his murder. Unless the police, who are presumed innocent until proven guilty, are indeed proven guilty at the trial (regardless of whether or not they are) there will almost certainly be more riots, probably incited by President Donald Trump. He must be behind them, because the party of peace, love and inclusion would never behave in such a manner would they?

Would they?

All my love,


Monday, August 31, 2020

Thanks For The Memories, NFL!

 Oh, National Football League- It's been fun spending time with you all these years, but now that you've decided to make a fun game into a racial circus, I don't have time for you anymore. It's not me, it's you. You'll find others, and you'll always have a place in my memory. Farewell!

All my love,


Wednesday, June 03, 2020

When Is Racism Good?

When a white cop kills a black man? No.

When protesters co-opt a man's death to promote their agenda? No.

When a black man kills a white cop? No.

When a president who doesn't know the facts says "The police acted stupidly"? No.

When white supremacists join a riot incognito to make the protesters look worse than they are? No.

When a black man can't get a job because he's black? No.

When a white man can't get a job because he's white? No.

When a bank pledges a billion dollars to help minority-owned businesses? No.

Racism is never good. Don't buy into the lie that it is.

And there's no such thing as reverse racism, only racism.

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Go Away, Barack

Just. Go. Away.
Shoo. GoAway!

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

No Post Today Due To The Coronavirus

This was going to be an April Fool's post, but since April Fool's Day was postponed until tomorrow because of Covid-19, there will be no post today.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Still Out Of Context After All These Years

You probably didn't hear Paul Simon just now singing "Still Crazy". That's my fault. I wish my voice came through my typing more clearly. On second thought it's better this way.

Pastor Bob was preaching last weekend and on his way to his point he mentioned that "We're all sinners. If you don't believe me check your bible. Romans 3:23 says 'All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.' "

If there was a contest to see which bible verse is most often taken out of context (a context contest?) I'm starting to think Romans 3:23 wouldn't win, because I might be the only one who would vote for it. Everybody else in the world seems to believe, like Pastor Bob evidently, that the verse says, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Be patient with me, k?

Yes, those words are in Romans 3:23. But there's also another word there, right at the front of the verse. It's the word "for".
Lots of people like to say, "What's the therefore there for?" That little trick helps you maintain context. But what about the for? What's THAT there for?

Paul is in the middle of a long argument trying to make the case that righteousness comes only in gift form. It's by grace through faith. For everybody, even the Jews. Let's take one baby step back, and look at the verse from just a bit farther away. From here, you can see that starting at verse 22 and continuing through 24 the context is already coming into view.

"There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ."

Pastor Bob wasn't wrong (well actually I think he was, but that's deeper and for another time) he just needed to present some context. Instead of using this verse to convict people, it should be presented the way Paul intended: It's Good News, man! It's the gospel! You can't earn righteousness or be justified by your works, it's all grace. Even if you're a Jew. Even if you're not. No matter who you are, it's all God's grace. There's no difference, none of us can earn it but we can all receive it through the redemption that came through Jesus Christ. Preach it Paul!

All my love,

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Phil Robertson's "anti-gay" comments

So much has already been said about Phil Robertson's GQ interview that I won't go too far into it.  I do think that A&E came down on the wrong side of the issue by putting Phil on "indefinite hiatus" from the Duck Dynasty show and affirming their staunch support for the GLBT community. Seems out of touch with the majority of their audience, to me. 

When he said, “Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong, sin becomes fine.” Drew Magary (who was doing the interview) asked Phil, What, in your mind, is sinful? His controversial response was practically read from 1 Corinthians 6.

So the wife and I contacted A&E to share our thoughts with them. We encourage you to do the same if you're into that sort of thing.

Merry Christmas to you, and have a wonderful 2014!
Love, derifter

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hello? Anybody here?

I guess I've been away a while. I signed in and Blogger's telling me there's a whole new streamlined look and everything. I don't have any time right now, but I hope to post something in the near future. Until then, I hope everything is going great for you. See you soon!
Love, derifter